Trump, politics, religion, satire & social media
There has been more social media coverage of Donald Trump than any other politician on the planet, and it keeps us amused in a sort of ‘laugh or else you’ll cry’ sort of way. My own personal favourite is the taking of Trump’s hand gestures and turning it into accordian playing ‘Life Accordian to Trump’:
I am a keen follower of global politics and a keen analyst of (social media) communications. Trump is both a regular source of destruction and tension, and a constant source of therapeutic amusement.
However, in late 2017/early 2018, there was an opportunity to gain both serious insight and satirical entertainment from following ‘The Orange One’.
Below is an article I first published via LinkedIn on 16 January 2018…
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Usually, I only use Facebook for keeping in touch with family and close friends, but I posted on a public site this week and got more than 10,000 people clicking #like #love #wow #haha, and more than 1,500 comments — ranging from “the best comment ever on Facebook” and “the funniest thing I’ve ever read” to “you’re a sick man, you should see a psychiatrist” and “you should be banned from Facebook”.
I was just having a laugh and trying to entertain a couple of my friends from the USA but it turned into a fascinating study of social media communications, the culture and politics of the United States, and a demonstration that some people simply don’t get satire, sarcasm or irony (especially online).
Added to this, I ventured into the dangerous territory of religion and God so was condemned to hell — and worse!
Have a read to make your own mind up — and hopefully have a good laugh!
I’ve re-produced the post below. I hope you’ll find it funny, not offensive, clearly humour/comedy/spoof. Please read it in the spirit and context intended. You may be offended or think my mischief is blasphemous but I really do think it is harmless fun in a democracy, and no offence is intended.
What surprised me though is the number of people who thought I was serious, despite it very clearly — in most people’s view — being a joke.
I’ll comment on this further below my original Facebook post, which I’ve pasted in below — after the news story that I was reacting to.
I posted on the CBS News site where it had reported on the media conference that President Trump held to “proclaim” that Martin Luther King Jr Day was to be a federal holiday.
Viewers were baffled to hear Trump talking as if he had just announced a new initiative and a new federal holiday when, in fact, MLKJDay had been introduced when Ronald Reagan was President and adopted by all 50 States by 2000 when George W Bush was President.
Comments were also made about him reading from notes, and the “sudden appearance” of black members of his team for this particular media conference, in contrast to his usual white throng.
My Satirical Post & Spoof Trump Speech
This is what I posted…
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I’m so grateful to President Trump for letting us have Christmas.
He’s put out this statement:
[to be read in Trump’s voice — or Alec Baldwin as Trump on SNL]
“Jesus was a great guy, I knew him well, and he brought many loaves and fishes to many people. Oprah just talks about helping poor people but Jesus actually did it. I’m not criticising Oprah, we’re good friends, I don’t think she’ll run for President. Where was I! Yes, Jesus, I don’t think he’ll run for President. What’s that you’re saying? Jesus is dead?! Right he definitely won’t run then.
Great guy Jesus. We should all celebrate his birthday. I heard something about him dying for our sins and being resurrected. That must have been a great day. Big crowds. Not as big as my inauguration. That was the biggest crowd ever. Period. We should celebrate that day too — my inauguration, oh yes and the resurrection of Jesus. Two big days.
Poor guy was born in a stable. That was a failure of the Obama administration. Everyone knows that. Don’t believe the Democrats, the meeeeedia, the judges, the FBI, the churches or anyone else who tells you otherwise. Anything else is lies and fake news.
It was Obama who let Jesus down. I would have sorted out his mother and father’s stable situation. I’m a stable genius, a very stable genius. I would have given Mary and Joseph a room in Trump Towers and Jesus would have had everything he wanted, and been rich, and history would have been very different…
…what’s that you’re saying about Jerusalem…it’s only an embassy with a city attached…
…what’s that you’re saying about the US Embassy in London…look, I don’t go south of the river, you know it’s dangerous, full of terrorists, have you never spoken to one of those London taxi drivers, they’re very knowledgeable and reasonable people…I had that Nigel Farage in the back of my cab…
…what time is it? what day is it? it must be time for me to sign something or announce something. You’re fired!”.
Responses from Readers
The likes/loves/hahas came in thick and fast, with overwhelmingly positive comments, finding it funny, including “this is hilarious, I can’t stop laughing”, “it’s as if he is saying this — brilliant”; and social media speak such as: “I can’t breathe”, “I am weak”, “you’ve won the internet”, “LMFAO”, and “I’m dying lol”.
However, then there were the posts from those with a total humour bypass, eg:
“Honey, we’ve been having Christmas for years and Trump has nothing to do with it”;
“What are you talking about. I’m 62 years old and we’ve celebrated Christmas every year of my life, what in the hell are you talking about”;
“Where have you been? I been saying Merry Christmas and enjoying Christmas all my life. You poor thing”;
“Let us have Christmas? Are you a 5 year old ?”;
“Jesus wasn’t born in December!”;
“His name is not Jesus and he wasn’t born on Dec 25. All European lies and false negatives”;
“Are you real? Trump actually said all of this? Was the man drunk?”;
“Jealousy really brings out the worst in people. Shame”;
“Last year, during his campaign, he was working very hard to memorize scriptures to convince evangelical voters, now he is elected, he makes jokes about Jesus, so embarrassing”;
“So disrespectful using Jesus for your case . How do you know how Trump feels about being a Christian? This is just sick”.
As you can see, there were quite a few of the expected comments from those who felt it was blasphemous, including some who both thought it was blasphemous AND serious!
I noticed that one critic had a Facebook Profile which simply read “God-fearing”. That’s it! Nothing to define themselves other than fear of God!
My Responses
I tried to be as respectful as I could in the circumstances, whilst trying to maintain the light-hearted nature of the situation. This fuelled more comments from readers being amused and a few more condemnations. Here’s the further posts I added:
“…(thanks everyone for sharing the joke); and the unexpectedly hilarious responses of those who thought it was serious, including some who thought my made-up, mock speech was a transcript of what Trump had actually said!
And then there have been the ‘God-fearers’ who have condemned me to hell for my Pythonesque mischief. To them, all I can say is ‘Always Look On the Bright Side Of Life’!
and more of my posts…
“Glad you’re all enjoying it — well almost all!
I’m enjoying the comments from those who thought it was a real Trump Speech — I did write it as he might speak (yes, should have included “bigly”).
Thanks to those who have pointed out the historical inaccuracies. That’s an important role you play in society. We wouldn’t want fake news or alternative facts, would we?!
I’m not surprised that a few people thought it was blasphemous but I am surprised at how many people worship a God that they think doesn’t have a sense of humour.
Make sure you don’t watch ‘Life of Brian’ or your head might explode!
If God created this world, and everything in it, including Donald Trump and his advisers, then he (or is it her?) must be laughing out loud right now — and probably posting on social media with #GOD #LOL #DivineComedy
I also just re-watched the original news reel that started this. Have you noticed how Trump is still looking down at his notes as he says “God Bless America”?
If the #POTUS doesn’t know the words to the National Anthem and needs written prompts to say “God Bless America” then I don’t really think you have a merit-based, equal opportunities policy that makes sure the best person for the job gets the top job!
Martin Luther King Jr had a dream but it’s clearly not yet a reality (sorry, I just got serious there for a minute!)”.
“Happy MLKJ Day. Can’t wait until we have Trump Day — it will the biggest public holiday in the history of the world. Ever. Period. It will be big crowds. Nobody will have a bigger holiday. Celebrate it bigly!”.
Paul Vittles is a researcher-evaluator-economist-manager-leader-coach-mentor-facilitator…who really wants to be a comedy writer. As far as we are aware, he hasn’t been struck down by a thunderbolt yet, and God is enjoying the joke too!
I hope you found that enlightening or at least entertaining!
Paul Vittles FMRS FAMI FRSA Dip. Couns.